Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Want to buy a brand new PC? Here are the 3 easy ways to save money.
4:50 PM | Posted by
Helds |
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Nowadays you have lots of choices when you shop around in tech stores. In fact they are not expensive as it can be as compared few years back. If you try to compare its price and features you will notice it is identical or cheaper than previous product release and yet faster by performance. If you have an inadequate fund to pay money for your desired PC, then you need to try to have these techniques as much PC for your money as possible.
These 3 easy approaches anyone can save money when buying a new PC:
1) Shop around and compare which is the best deal.
Mostly, some people don't realize that it is not always necessary to have the fastest, most expensive PC with the most “extras” it is not even used. Unless you are gamer kind of person or the one who operates high resolution graphics, you will need better and powerful PC for rendering. Actually, if you already have older PC, a little upgrade might do like hard disk or memory. If you don't know a lot about computer hardware, you do only word processing, spreadsheets, do emails not necessary to look for a powerful ones. You can learn a lot by shopping around in tech and gadget stores. Ask someone you think better than you do, compare prices, compare the specs and benefits, and then find the best price that is suitable for your needs. Try to look around at your local electronics shop, and look for the best deals online. You will realize how much money you can save by shopping around!
2) Take consideration on freebies and some extras.
Many computers you will find in a store have a lot of extra software some are freebies already installed which is not always important. Most of these extras make your PC lessen its performance. Shopping around to have best deals software like word processor and antivirus, may not be necessary because there are a lot available free to download in the internet, that if you have internet connection. So think about it before buying the “fully loaded” PC, ask yourself if you really need all the extras.
3) Forget extended warranty, it’s no longer relevant
In electronic gadgets sometimes extended warranties are no longer relevant because technology changes very fast these days. If you are not a PC expert, you might encourage having the extended warranties offered by the PC retailers. In the end, some of these retailers have a very poor service when it comes to warranty, you will be paying for nothing after you bought it. In most cases PC comes with a warranty for at least 1 year, and most PC’s drawback will either occur at the beginning where it is covered with the warranty or much later you’re your warranty is almost expire. Of course it is better to buy one rather than waiting for your PC to get repaired and you will wait for how long? Days? Weeks? Or even months. So try to consider if it is necessary to avail the extended warranty. And, if you really think you need have extended warranty, then ask to buy it at a lesser price if necessary. And whether you avail the extended warranty or not, always keep on backing up all your important files from time to time, it’s another story.
If financial is not an issue then these tips are not applicable to you, consider yourself lucky. Hope you learn these guides helpful to you if think of limited budget.
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